Via Vanoudenhoven
In ‘via vanoudenhoven’, rob vanoudenhoven took a flemish celebrity on tow for an adventurous journey to the object of his or her admiration. The launch of the programme is a convoluted affair: as it turns out it is far from easy to follow a script when the busy calendars of elusive international celebrities must be taken into account. But our host rob pulls off everything that seems impossible at first...
It all starts in belgium. When rob asks a flemish celebrity for the name of his or her international idol. Who do our flemish celebrities look up to? Who has intrigued them for years? And who would they like to meet if they had the chance? Rob works the phone and starts putting everything together and then takes his guest abroad. None of the guests know what rob has in store for them but he is hell-bent on arranging a meeting between our belgian and his or her idol. The trip is amusing, exciting, adventurous and at times moving. But above all it’s a trip to never forget.
Meetings:- actor filip peeters and gorbachev
- artist/cartoonist herr seele and jean-claude van damme
- politician vera dua and raoni
- singer/variety artist guido belcanto and marco pantani
- former boxer freddy de kerpel and jean-paul belmondo
- olympic swimming champion fred deburghgraeve and david copperfield
- actor/singer wim opbrouck and jodie foster