I Thought You Were Dead, Brood
A tribute to herman brood on the occasion of the tenth anniversary of his death.
Amsterdam, 11 july 2001, 1.26 pm herman brood, 54, jumps off the roof of the hilton hotel. His farewell note reads: “have a ball. See you around. I’m going bungee jumping without the elastic”. One hour later, brood’s death is breaking news. On the evening news, brood’s best friend and biographer bart chabot testifies that brood was too proud to stumble through life in a body wrecked by drugs and alcohol. He was given a folk hero’s funeral: all of amsterdam turned out to pay their respects.
Amsterdam, ten years later. Writer/performer bart chabot is on his way to brood’s final stage: zorgvlied cemetery. He stops along the way at the hilton and huize ria, brood’s favourite brothel. At the hotel chabot he looks back on brood’s final hours, at the brothel he reminisces about the years of sex, drugs & rock ‘n’ roll, and at his grave he comes face to face with herman’s guardian angel.