My Daughter’s Sisters
In 2006, journalist annemie struyf travelled to kenia in search of the roots of her adoptive daughter hope. She was accompanied by the hiv positive achieng, who had saved baby hope’s life. The women’s quest featured in the touching documentary series 'de moeder van mijn dochter'. Thanks to the documentary and the support of many flemings, achieng was able to realise her dream. Hope home now gives many babies the warmth and care they need.
Now, five years later, annemie returns to kenia. The women have kept in close touch, both on a personal and a professional level. In hope home, annemie and achieng look back on the documentary series that had such a major impact on their lives. The women also embark on another quest.
‘de zussen van mijn dochter’ is another emotional and disconcerting story. A story about the dreams, efforts and desires of young black girls in a world where violence and abuse are a constant threat.